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About Holistic Therapies


Jo Poynter
Holistic Therapist & Vitamin Therapist

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Welcome to my page, my name is Jo, My passion is Holistic Therapy and I have an extensive range of knowledge & qualifications in Natural Healing Therapies.

After spending the first half of my life lost and in pain, dosed up on medication, I decided I was going to try Natural Therapies and l've not looked back since. Not only am I learning to control my physical pain, I am also learning how to cope with my mental wellbeing too.
I finally like & accept who I am and discovered my purpose is to pass what l've learnt onto others.
I keep my prices humble so I can offer help to a wider community
I can even offer some pampering too. Message to find out how I can help you.

I want to use my experiences of chronic pain to help others, even if I only reach 1 person, I would have succeeded. 

Why I started my holistic journey

I would be grateful to anyone that ends up reading this long post until the end ❤️

I suffer with multiple chronic illnesses:

  • Osteoarthritis in ankles, knees, hips and hands.

  • Fibromyalgia 

  • Chronic Pain 

  • Chronic Fatigue 

  • Endometriosis

  • Mental Health Disorders

  • Depression 

  • Anxiety 

  • Weakness

  • Arthritis that has damaged my upper and lower spine.

  • Debilitating Migraines

  • Debilitating Muscle spasms.

Even when you see me all dressed up and with a huge smile on my face - I am in a lot of pain.

Only a select few see the bad days and see the pain behind the make up & smile. 

There are a few people that I can not hide from…. You know who you are 😊 and I love you ❤️


I've undergone well over 50 operations and procedures, spending 43 years in and out of hospital.

I have tried countless medications & therapy, some that leave me shaking from head to toe, sweating, anxious, tired constantly, and some that just knocked me out completely. 

Then I found out that vitamin deficiency is the cause of a lot of my symptoms and decided to give holistic therapies a chance, where all else had failed.

What is holistic therapy?

Holistic therapy is a type of therapy that addresses the “whole” person. This kind of therapy integrates spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional forms of well-being. Its primary goal is to help individuals develop a deeper understanding of themselves, on all these levels.

So, when people see me out, at a party or having a good time, they have no idea how I’m feeling and how I will suffer for the next few days. I can be sitting there chatting away with you and you would have no idea of the stabbing pains that run through my body. The constant ache all over. No one sees the adaptations to my car so I’m able to drive. I have been bed bound and in a wheelchair. Unable to do things with my daughter and had to sit back while she cared for me. 

I’ve missed important occasions, weddings, funerals and let people down, I can be unreliable, I can’t always focus, sometimes I can’t even brush my teeth, let alone get out the front door and something had to change. People have used my conditions for their own personal gain and to control me and make me dependent on them.


This was the turning point to start my holistic wellness journey. People may consider what I do a bit ‘woo-woo’, but there is science behind it all, and it's tried and tested, with visible results.

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